Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Truthful Tuesday: Am I Saved?

We live in a generation where little girls are having babies, young men are doing drugs, people would rather go to the club than to church, but yet everyone is saved. People want to go to Heaven, but constantly reject the way to Heaven, Jesus. We live in a generation where young people constantly go to the altar & get "saved", but after that it's back to the same old living they did before. Are we really saved?
What does it mean to be saved? Salvation is recognizing your sins and repenting to God. Salvation also means to offer up your life and allow God to come in and change you into a new person. Salvation isn't something that we should want to get because we want to get into Heaven, but something we should want because we realize that we can't make it in this life alone.
Many young people believe that it is impossible to be saved while you're young, and that's not true! I got saved when I was very young. I knew Jesus and I wanted to live for Him, but I wasn't sure how. Making that transition to middle school is where it all fell. I wanted to fit in & I was willing to deny my salvation to do it. When people would be like "Jamilya, you're so holy." I would deny it. I started to curse like the other kids (don't tell my parents lol), but I really wanted to fit in! It wasn't until I was about 13 that I realized that God was more important than fitting in, and that's when I took Him more seriously. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that it has always been easy because it hasn't. I've made some mistakes over the past 5 years, but I've realized my mistakes & have confessed my sins and asked God for forgiveness.
You may be just like how I was back when I was younger. You know God & you know that He is the savior, but you just want to fit in with everyone else. You drink, have sex, curse, and smoke because all of your "friends" are doing it, but let me ask you this: who is going to be there to help you recover after your "friends" leave you? Who are you going to have to stand and face after this life is over? God is the only one that will be there when everyone else leaves. Is that homosexual relationship really worth burning in Hell for eternity? Is having a boyfriend really more important than the God that created you?
I just want you to realize that it's time for us to be saved FOR REAL! We can't do all of these things that are opposite of God & expect Him to give us Heaven as a reward. No, when you are saved you give up your selfish desires DAILY & choose God over it all! You allow Him to come into your life and change you for the better! Jesus wants to give you that love you need. Jesus wants to fill that empty void in your life. Jesus wants to take away the hurt from your past. Let Him in your life! Stop running away from Him & trying to do everything on your own. We are nothing without Jesus!!
So, if you want to change for real say this prayer: Father, I come to you now as humbly as I know how. God, I ask that you will forgive me for all of my sins. Father, I'm sorry for trying to live this life on my own. I recognize that Jesus died on the Cross so that I may receive Heaven as my eternal home. God, I know that you are real and I need you to come into my life. Change, mold, and  renew me, Father. I receive you as my savior and I choose to live my life for you. In Jesus name, Amen.
I pray that this helps you. If you need me, contact me. I'll be glad to pray with you & lead you to Jesus. Love you all.

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