Friday, January 16, 2015



    Lately, I've been keeping to myself and doing my best to cling to God. In these past two weeks I've realized that my focus has not been clear. Me? Yes, me. Sometimes we get so caught up in doing things for God that we forget about the one that we're doing it for. Our focus can shift without us even recognizing it. That's what happened to me. We do things such as sing at church, dance, go to different conferences, but are we really doing it for Him?

 "The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught." (Isaiah 29:13)

   I never want to be a religious person. You know like the Pharisees & Sadducees back in Jesus' day. The ones that hated Jesus because He did things such heal people on the Sabbath & He also sat & ate with the outcast people. They were so focused on keeping rituals that they missed God. Never do I want to get so caught up in things that I was taught in the church that I miss the truth. That's where many of us are now. We sing & dance because that's what we were taught to do & not because we truly want to please God. We go to church on Sundays because we were taught to give God "some of our time". Now there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with church, I love going to church, but it's so much more than four walls. Living for Christ is more than the rituals that we do every Sunday morning & mid week service. He deserves & requires so much more!

   I don't know about you all, but I just want God to be pleased with every aspect of my life. When I see Him face to face, I want to be at peace because I did what my Father said do. I loved my neighbor, I told people about Him, I lived a lifestyle of worship & obedience to Him. I want to hear Him say "well done". I'm at a point in my life where I will do whatever it takes to make Him happy. My focus is being shifted towards Him every day. I'm realizing more & more that there's more to life than being cute or getting money or being boo-ed up. In the end, all of that will fade & only what you do for Christ will last.

I pray that our minds will be renewed daily. I pray that we will put aside our old selves & follow Jesus with our whole hearts. I pray that we'll spend more time in His word & more time praying so that we can do the works of Him by His strength. I pray that acting will cut & we'll really desire Jesus more & more each day. I pray that once we seek Him, His perfect will will begin in our lives. I pray that the world will see Jesus through us & desire to know Him. I pray that our focus will be made straight & we will see the reason for this Christ-ian life, again.

Love y'all.

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