Saturday, May 12, 2012

You are Beautiful, Yeah You!

Dear girl,

      Big lips, small lips, brown skin, pale skin, big stomach, small stomach, big thighs, small thighs, you're beautiful. Inside & out, you're beautiful. Your smile lights up a room. Your charm is contagious. The way you present yourself is classy. When you walk in a room heads turn. You're so smart! Your wisdom is far past your age. People look up to you! What makes you attractive is not what's physical, but what's spiritual. Your love for God is shown everywhere you go. They way you smile when you talk about Him INCREDIBLE. His glory surrounds you & all the world can see.
      Forget what society calls "beautiful"! You are BEYOND that! You don't need makeup to make you "beautiful". You don't have to be a size 2 to be "beautiful". None of that defines you! Don't you know that God's word says that you were made in HIS image!? It also says that you are FEARFULLY & WONDERFULY made! You are BEAUTIFUL!! Flaws & all, you are beautiful. You have the power to change the world. Your beauty is not just what you see, but that & plus more. Everything about you makes you beautiful.
       Insecurities, be gone! Self esteem, rise in Jesus's name! Girl, hold your head up high, walk with confidence, & show the world who you are! Believe in yourself & the God you serve. You are beautiful, yes you. You are brilliant♥
- Jamilya Lashay

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