Monday, May 27, 2013

Got Distractions?

   You know that one thing that keeps you from doing what you need to do? It's a distraction. Your cell phone, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, your boyfriend, your favorite reality show are all things that can distract & keep you from reaching your highest potential in Christ. It's so much more fun to sit and watch movies or talk on the phone with your boyfriend than sit & read a Bible right? That's what Satan wants. He wants us to be so consumed with doing other things that we forget about spending time with God.
   We all have distractions! Distractions can be minor or major. If you spend the majority of your time doing things that are not helping you grow in God, then I suggest you do a life check. At one point my biggest distraction was this guy. I was in love with him & would rather spend hours talking to him than reading my Bible & praying. It was terrible! So terrible that God had to rip us apart because He wanted me to be His girl. That wasn't the end of it though. The enemy knew that that guy was my weakness, so every now & then that guy would pop up in my life & I would fall for it. I had to come to the realization that I would not stop failing until I made the decision that God was much more important than that person. Now, I can say that he's not in my life anymore because I chose God over him.
   I know that it is so easy to get distracted as a young person. The enemy doesn't want us young people to seek God because he sees us as a threat! The enemy knows that if you're focused on God & His work, then he will fail! The enemy doesn't want to fail, so he's trying his hardest to throw things at you to keep you from growing in God. He'll throw that boy in your way. He'll tell you that you're missing something, so you constantly check your Facebook. He'll tell you that you're not popular enough, so you spend all your time on Twitter & Instagram trying to convince people to follow you & like your pics. He'll do ANYTHING to keep you away from God!! Do not be deceived, young sister. Keep your mind focused on Christ & Christ alone!
   So, what can you do to avoid distractions?
1. Pray for wisdom.
Pray that God will give you the wisdom to recognize when something is or isn't a distraction.
2. Be Determined!
You have to be dedicated to staying on track! You have to be determined to not let anything stop you from growing in Christ.
3. Choose what's more important.
This goes with being determined. You have to make up in your mind that Christ is more important than anything in this world.
   I want us all to scroll less & read more. Scroll less & pray more. Let's put down the phones, iPads/Tablets, & laptops & let's pick up the Book. We have to take authority over our lives & decide that we're going to please Christ & not others. "Be not conformed to this world...." People in the world spend all their time on social networks & trying to please people, but as God's children we must spend our time pleasing our Father. Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father." We have to start doing the things that God wants us to do & get rid of the distractions.
   So, be honest with yourself today. What is distracting you from God? The Lord is dealing with me about social networks, but mine may be different from yours. Are you willing to let go of those distractions for God?

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