"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15-16)
It's Sunday! Time to get up & put on your church clothes. While you're at it, you feel that guilty feeling because the night before you were doing things that you know God wasn't pleased with. So, you make sure that you get saved again during the altar call & you're good for the rest of the week.
Monday morning comes & its back to school! Your friends all around you are cursing, talking about their sex experiences & how they can't wait to go partying this weekend. You make it through the first day of "being saved", but when Tuesday comes you're back to your old ways.
You're on the fence. You want to please God, but you don't want people calling you "Jesus freak". So, you decide to keep Jesus on the low. If you just praise Jesus on Sundays & then during the rest of the week, you're doing things that you want to do, then you're good. You're still saved right? No, you're lukewarm.
There's this new age of Christianity that says you can do whatever you want & if you just go to church on Sunday, then you're saved. Uh, that's not want God says. God wishes that we be on fire for Him or just live for the devil. He doesn't want you to be torn in between the two. Whose side are you gonna be on? Don't be that person that says that you're on God's side, but your actions show that you clearly are on the world's side.
I remember when I used to be that person. I was crazy lukewarm. I "loved" God, but I loved the way I would feel living in sin more. I would be up late at night saying things I knew God wouldn't be pleased with, & then the next morning I would be in church lifting my hands & acting as if I was just so holy. People would say, "I can tell she loves God for real", but truth is, I was so far away from God. My lips said I loved Him, but my actions were just what He hated. Sometimes we develop a strong love for things, such as clubbing, sex, drinking/smoking, friends/boyfriends, that that love overtakes our love for God.
Sometimes we hold on to those things that we know aren't good for us, or do things that we know God looks down upon & are comfortable doing them because "God will forgive me anyway". That is one of the worst things you could ever say. Don't ever take God's grace for granted! That's the problem with some of us now. We're taking God for granted. Romans 6:1-2 says, "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"
How can you be truly saved, but comfortable with sinning?!?
When you are truly living for Christ, sin should no longer be your best friend. You shouldn't even feel comfortable with cursing or having people around you that curse. You shouldn't feel comfortable going to a party & twerking on Saturday, but on Sunday you're praise dancing or leading worship. God wants your whole heart. Stop saying you're following Christ, but every day besides Sunday, you're flirting with the devil.
There is nothing that the devil can offer to you that God can't top. Every thing that God has for you is greater. Yes, the parties, alcohol, weed, & sex may seem appealing, but what God can offer you is so much better. Those things eat you up inside, but God gives life. God gives you joy that triumphs over that temporary happiness sin gives you. God gives you peace, something that the devil has no idea how to give. When you live for Christ, your reward is in Heaven & will last forever. The devil can offer you temporary satisfaction & eternal pain.
So, I encourage you to jump off of the fence & enter God's rest. Stop trying to please both people & God & just give God your whole heart. He doesn't bite. He just wants to give you a great life if you allow Him. I know you're young, but don't let that be your excuse. You never know when your time to die will come & it would be such a sad thing if your heart isn't right with God. Make that decision today to give your heart completely to God. No more double living. Start living like Christ & watch Him work.
Blessings & love,
*If you have any prayer requests, please feel free to email me at be_his_girl@yahoo.com
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