Saturday, June 14, 2014

Beautiful in its Time.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time…" (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

   Patience is a virtue that is hard to follow, especially if you have it set in your heart that you want something & you want it now. It's like with those things God makes us wait the longest. Not because He's mean & He wants us to suffer, but because He's loving & He only wants what's best for us. I'm gonna be completely honest, since my post, Patiently Waiting, my patience has been tested like never before. 

   The desire to be in a relationship fell over me HARD. It wasn't such a strong desire that I jumped in one, but it was strong enough for my liking. I found myself just looking at guys & couldn't help but wonder if he would be the one. Ridiculous, right? Yes, very ridiculous. I would see couples hugging or friends becoming more than friends & I would find myself wondering "when will that be me?" It's like I forgot what I promised God! I forgot what I promised myself. I began to lose my patience slowly.

   One morning, I was lead to read one chapter of the book Ecclesiastes a day. On day three, I read chapter 3 which is entitled in my study Bible "A Time for Everything". I read it, but didn't understand that it was a sign from God. The particular verse that stuck out to me was verse eleven (above). I remember the first day after reading it I was wondered, "why isn't he coming yet?" & God reminded me of those 8 words. 

God places everything where it needs to be at the right time. 

   When it says "He has made everything beautiful in its time", it's true. When we force ourselves into something that isn't the will God, things are chaotic. Ever realize that? For instance, you want to have good friends. So you pray and pray, but still no friends. It gets to the point where you start looking because "God is taking too long". Because you put matters in your own hands, you find yourself in a group that pushes you further away from God. Now you find yourself doing things you never thought you would do! Your life becomes a mess because you couldn't wait

   Or, how about that time when you wanted to be in a relationship. You prayed, but God was not sending that guy to you, so you took matters in your own hands. So, now you're lurking & you find this guy. He seems to be everything that you've prayed for & you feel like he's Heaven sent. Little do you know, that he has another girl on the side & he's using you to get what he knows he can't get from her. You find out & now you're hurt & bitter. All because you lost your patience.

   God knows everything about us. He knows what's best for us more than we know. He has a great plan for our lives, and sometimes what we want is not in His plan. We as His children have to realize that Daddy knows best. Some things God will give us right away, some He won't give us at all, and some that He will make us wait for. If God doesn't give you what you want, count that as a blessing because He probably saved you from hurting you. Yes we're young & used to instant things, but trust me, God's best is worth waiting for.
So, how do you get to the point where you trust God's timing? I'm glad you asked!

  1. Pray & Read God's Word.
    1. Praying and reading God's word will help you understand that God is God. It will help you trust in Him more once you know more about Him.
  2. Occupy Your Mind.
    1. If you sit and think about that thing so much & how you can't wait until it happens, the desire you have is going to grow. Think about things that are going to help you better your life.

   With a lot of prayer, I was able to get back into the swing of things. I know that God will honor my obedience to Him, & I know He'll do the same for you. If you desire something, pray & leave it in the hands of the Father, and do His work. Waiting for God isn't a time for you to be idle, but it's time for you to allow God to prepare you for what's ahead.
Love you

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