Friday, August 5, 2011

Can I Be a Christian & Date?

As a human being it is quite natural to be attracted to another person. I know that there is this boy that you can't keep your eye off of at school or church! lol You really like him, but you can't help but wonder what people will think if you, a Christian girl, starts dating a guy. To me, I think that dating as a teenage Christian chick is absolutely fine as long as God is pleased with the relationship. "Well what do you mean Jamilya?" I'm sooo glad you asked! God is pleased when you do things that are of Him & not of this world. If you are in a relationship with a guy and you're having sex or you're disobeying your parents, God is not going to be pleased. It is important that if you have a relationship God is a main factor. Your boyfriend should know that you are a true believer in the Father & he should definitely accept that. If he doesn't than he's no good for you. 
God created the woman for the man so go ahead & date! Just remember that God should always be pleased with your relationship & your parents should be also.
What do YOU think about dating & being a Christian??? Let me know! (:


  1. I Think dating is long as you can keep away from sin... In the bible it doesn't talk about talks about Marriage.... Why because God knows his people and knows that the things he honors in marriage, People who aren't married would be tempted and fall to do....I Believe that Humans invented Dating....I also Believe that you shouldn't date Until you’re ready to get married...or truly strong when it comes to wanting to be more intimate with the one your dating... Marriage is for dating... One Reason why some choose not to date is because even though we feel or think were strong... We can end up having a weakness...

    How do you know you’re ready to date/Marriage?

    1. Ask God... Talk to him about it..." God am I Ready"... Ask God For the things you need to be ready...

    2. This maybe hard... but find a way to talk to your parents/older siblings..(NOT YOUR FRIENDS..Just because they go to doesn't mean that their into God...make sure your friends have a personal relationship with God...before they give you advice about dating)

    3.Pastors/Youth Pastors
    Go talk to them...Someone your Comfortable with..and you TRUST

  2. I think that Christians should only "date" when they are ready to be married. That will save you from all the heart aches & pains that many have experienced. Also I do recommend that ALL Christian singles read this book called Chosing God's Best which talks about how Christians should court instead of date, & how dating in this world leads to sex, but courting allows you to become one with that person spiritually, then in the engagement period emotionally, & in marriage physically. You should always ask God "Is this person the one for me?" Just because you want to be w/ somebody, doesn't mean God is ready for you to have somebody. You should pray "God prepare me, mold me into the woman you want me to be, the wife you want me to be for my future husband, the mother you want me to be for my future children." & vice versa for your future husband. It will all happen in God's time, so don't rush it & just focus on God & builing a relationship w/ him & let him mold you :)
