Today, I want to talk about the importance of loving others. We live in a society where there is so much pressure to fit in. If you're not skinny, then you're not pretty. If you're overweight, then you're lazy. If you don't dress with the latest fashions, then you're weird. If you don't listen to rap, then you're lame. So many teens & children get teased everyday & no one seems to care.
I know what it's like to be teased because I was at one point. People may say that words don't hurt, but they truly do. I want you to think for a moment. Think about that person that you have been teasing. Think about that person that you have been spreading lies about. Think about that person that you just rolled your eyes at. Think about how you would feel if someone would constantly do that to you, & don't say you wouldn't care because you would!
That girl that you just called ugly wants to kill herself. That girl that you just laughed at because her clothes are not "in" is having a hard time at home. What I'm trying to tell you is that you never know what people are going through so leave them alone! If her hair doesn't look like yours, so what! If her clothes are too tight or if she's wearing the same clothes over & over, go buy her some new clothes! We have to stop picking out people's flaws because we have many of them ourselves!
If you're reading this & you are a victim, let me just tell you that God loves you unconditionally. He accepts you for who you are & you are special in His eyes. Don't commit suicide because that boy called you out of your name. Don't cut yourself because that girl threatened you. No, YOU ARE SPECIAL!!! Who cares if they don't like you! God LOVES you & He's the only person that matters. God has a special plan for each & every one of us. Please don't cut yours short because of what other's think. You're too precious....God loves you. Hold on, please.
If we're professing to be Christians we must love others. We can't keep talking about people because that's not what Christ did. Christ loved the people that spat on Him. He loved us while we were still sinners! We must love on people! If it's just a smile or a compliment, give one to someone today. You never know how that person may be feeling or what they are going through. That simple gesture could make their day. Love like Jesus does & help save someone's life today.
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