Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Key to Success.

"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." (Proverbs 16:3 NLT)
Hey there girls! Today I want to come & talk to you about the key to success. You can read a lot of books that will tell you what you need to do to succeed & you will fail to get the true answer. The real key to success is Jesus Christ. Christ is the only way you're going to have true success. Christ has all the tools that you need to make it in this life successfully.
   Proverbs 16:3 tells us that if we commit our actions to the Lord, then out plans will succeed. When you live for Christ & do what He tells you to do with a sincere heart, whatever you put your hands on will prosper. Last night was my senior awards ceremony. I was awarded two scholarships, I'm #7 in my graduating class, I will graduate Magna Cum Laude, I'm in the top 3% of graduating seniors in my county & I recently graduated with my A.A. degree from my local state college. I don't tell you all of this to brag, but to tell you of the goodness of God! Without Him, I would not have been able to accomplish so much at a young age! Let me tell you, God has definitely proved to me that when you are sincere about His work & when you truly live for Him, He will do things for you that you wouldn't imagine!
  Many of young people think that just saying that you love God is enough & it's not! You have to commit to Christ to receive His full blessings! Don't half step. Don't say you love Christ, but do things that are totally opposite of Him & then expect Him to bless you. No, it doesn't work like that. Change the people you hang around with. Change the way you think. Change your demeanor.
   I challenge you today to totally commit your life to Christ today! If you want to succeed, follow Christ. His way leads to life! Don't worry about what your peers think. Lord knows that I don't! I live my life to please Christ. I am committed to the man that died on the Cross of me, & because of that I win! If you want to be successful, try Christ. I gurantee that living for Christ will be the best decision you'll ever make!

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