Friday, May 10, 2013

But I Want Love NOW!

   Log on to Instagram & what do you see? A picture of a cute little couple holding hands or cuddling. You say "aww!", but deep down you're jealous & you think to yourself "when will that be me?" It seems like everywhere you go, somebody's in love! Get on Facebook & girls make mushy statuses about how wonderful their boyfriend is or how in love they are & you can't help but say "I want that". Your emotions get so high that they convince you to settle for something that is not what you deserve.
   I've been there. Me?! Yes, me! I'd never had a boyfriend & I wanted to know what it was like to be in love. There was this guy from my church & I had a major crush on dude. We started talking & then we started dating. A few months later this guy was my e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!!! I was in love at 16! He loved me, called me beautiful, wasn't ashamed to call me his, and he was always there when I needed him.We had that cute relationship that I'd always wanted! Sounds good right? Well, that's how it started, but then we started doing things we had no business doing. The relationship started going down hill, but we still put up a front like everything was okay. Long story short, we're not together anymore because God was jealous. He wanted me to focus my attention my Him & not that guy.
   Girls, you have to be careful of what you ask for. Just because people make relationships so pretty & cute on social networks does not mean its like that in reality. Plus, what's right for them is not what's best for you! Don't get so caught up in trying to be in a relationship that you stop chasing after your dreams & God! You have a whole life ahead of you, so don't waste your time trying to be a relationship that's not going to last for 3 months! You're better than that! You deserve more than that! You deserve to be treated like a queen & truly loved!
   God has this man, not boy, out there that He is shaping just for you! A man that's going to love you & only you. A man that's going to love God more than he loves you. A man that will truly accept you for all of your flaws. A man that will tell you you're beautiful on your worse day & mean it! A man that will support you no matter what. A man that will hold you & wipe your tears when everything is going tough. A man, not a boy! All that you have to do in order to get this is to sit back, focus on God & work on you! Take some time out to learn about God & enjoy loving Him & yourself before you try to love someone else! You think that emptiness that you're feeling is going to be fixed by infatuation from a boy? No, you need that real love, which comes from God.
   I can tell you that I am so much happier & better off being single & focusing on God. I have been able to accomplish so much that I wouldn't have if I was still in that relationship. I want the same for you! I want you to be truly happy because you're focusing on God & loving you & not some guy! I want you to realize that you are special & you deserve the absolute best. So, are you willing to wait on God for that man or would you rather have false love from many different boys. Remember, Jesus didn't die on the cross when He was a boy, He was a man. That's true love.


  1. Man not boy... What a great outlook!!!

  2. LOVE. IT. So many girls do not understand this and it breaks my heart to see that...thank you for raising this awareness-keep waiting!! :)
