Friday, August 15, 2014

College & Jesus.

Jesus and college. 
   Not two things that you would normally associate each other with, right? As a matter of fact, many teens associate college with freedom. They see it as a time to party hard & fall in love. Many Christian teens lose their faith in college because of the numerous amount distractions. And trust me, there are TONS of distractions! Yeah, college is a time to have fun, but it's not a time to lose your faith, but a time to draw closer to God.
   As some of you know, I'm going into my second year at my university. During my first year, I didn't party, get sloppy drunk (I didn't drink, period.), have sex, do drugs, none of that! What I did do was have clean fun & I grew closer to Jesus. This wasn't something that I was forced to do, but it was a daily choice because I love Jesus.
   So for those of you that desire to keep your relationship with Christ, or desire to strengthen your relationship with Him while in college, here's some tips!

1) Make time for Jesus
Make sure that you don't forget what's more important. Yes, doing your school work & hanging it with friends are important & cool, but Christ comes first. Make time in your day to pray & read His Word, which will sustain you. I prefer to have quiet time in the morning, which sets my day.

2) Pray for Christian friends
I remember my first days at college. The people that I knew cursed & liked to party. Although they are my friends, being around them made me mad uncomfortable. I constantly prayed for friends that desired God like me & He answered that prayer in literally 3 days! You can't get closer to Christ if you don't have people to push you. Please believe that there are people on your campus that are crazy about Jesus. Pray that He would lead you to them, or lead them to you!
3) Join a Christian Org.
At my university, there are TONS of Christian organizations & I'm sure its the same at your university. DON'T BE ASHAMED TO LOOK FOR THEM!! You will meet so many young people that are on fire for Christ. Join a Bible study & go to their different events. A few that I know of are Intervarsity, CRU, the Navigators, & RUF. Also, find your school's gospel choir or praise dance troupe & join!
4)  Find a church
Some universities have churches that have services on campus. Plus there are churches all around your school. Don't be afraid to visit a few & ask God where it is that He will have you to go & serve. Please know that going to church on Sundays is not enough! A few hours in church is not enough to keep you from slipping the rest of the week! Following Jesus is a DAILY choice! 
5) Be aware of your surroundings!
Don't place yourself in situations or places that you know will cause you to fall. Every event is not for you to attend! Ask God to constantly lead you & guide you to the right places. 

   I know that it can be challenging having a relationship with Jesus in high school because of the pressures. College is a whole different level, but don't worry! If you're serious about Christ, He will keep you during your new transition. Just because you're in college doesn't mean that you have to compromise your faith. No! Stay strong & go show the world Jesus! There are plenty of people that need to know Christ & the Truth. Allow Him to use you to build His kingdom in the college scene. 
I pray that you have a successful first semester! Grace & love!

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