Monday, August 12, 2013

Dress Classy.

Short shorts. Tight leggings. Low cut shirts. Belly showing. Push up bra. Cut out dresses. Body all exposed & she wonders why people stare the way they do. She wonders why guys only want sex from her.

Girls, I'm not here to bash, but I'm here to help. Here to help you realize that you are worth more than what you present yourself as. They way you dress says a lot about who you are. They way you dress can let someone know if you are confident or insecure. The way you dress is how you want people to perceive you.

Your body is God's holy temple. Therefore, you should not be exposing your body to any & everybody! Don't you know that you were bought at a price, meaning that you are special. If your "friends" can't accept you with clothes that cover your body, then they aren't your friends. If a guy can't like you with clothes on, then he is definitely not worth your time. 

So, let's do a #wardrobecheck. What kind of clothes are you wearing? Does your clothes show a lot of skin? Does the way you dress scream classy & confident, or insecure? 

Yes, people around you wear tight & revealing clothes, but you don't have to. Yes, it may seem like the most popular girls are the ones that expose their bodies, but if that's what it takes to be popular, why do you want to be popular? You have to learn how to respect yourself & understand that your body is God's temple. Nobody deserves to see your goodies, but your husband. So, be classy ladies & cover up. 

"Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." (1 Peter 3:3-4)

Coming soon: a new fashion segment on Be His Girl!

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